Since the start of the pandemic, waves of new web developers steadily and feverishly add to the digital foundations of the next internet evolution. The net has not been this new, or this confusing since the early '90s. Its nothing like the world wide web you grew up with. Web 3.0 will have an even greater impact on us humans than webs one and two combined.
Discover simple illustrations here.
Web 2 vs Web 3: What is the new internet and why should we care?
Soon, back end tech-jargon, and hype over buzzwords like metaverse, IoT, crypto, web3 and A.I. will just be Web 3.0, the internet.
It's still all about the data though. The new internet
makes it possible to track, analyze, share a whole new dimension of data. I'm not talking about 3D either. The depth of digital information that can now be collected and analyzed about you is amazing. Device cameras help the internet recognize our faces, and can also track our heart rate (how many steps from your bedroom to your couch? your device already knows)
If you do not like being tracked, what can you do about it? What did you do when social media-Web 2.0 was new? It is still all about the data.
Even if you take nothing else from this space, realize this: You need to better understand your user data.
"If you don't pay for the product, then you are the product."
"Even when you pay for the product, the data you generate with the product, is the real product; and you don't own that either."
to app developers, device manufacturers, and, of course advertisers, you are a product. You are a source of endless tracking data that someone somewhere will pay for.
probably don't care about that though. It is likely that the only
reason you find yourself here is because a close friend or family member has
experienced some kind of fraud, has fallen for a scam, or has other
privacy and online safety concerns. IDK, maybe your teen became an
overnight crypto millionaire, but accidentally lost it all while trying
to convert it to cash. That happens. It would really suck.
Your Apps, Data and Devices
From '92 to '22 through various call, data and contact centers, I've accidentally experienced each successive wave of internet disruption from within. On the front line of end user support and customer service Ive assured, managed expectations, resolved issues for many different technologies that were brand new at the time. Individuals, small businesses, non-profit, government services are always affected.
Many times, independent entrepreneurs, small businesses, non-profits, and even entire corporations do not survive new product launches that have nothing to do with them. It seems to always affect - speaking from my own collective experience in communications technology support for 30 years- small local, regional mid size companies the most.
The pace of adapt, or die has accelerated since the pandemic of '20
Through my own observations that in no way violate any person or any organizations privacy, I can say that most people really don't know or care how the internet works; and I suggest everyone pay attention to their user data right now.
Past example Web 2.0
gave our data away and then complained a decade later when we found out
what they did with it. Why? It was disclosed to us and agreed to the
terms from the very beginning. Social media platforms provided free
access in exchange for our information.
web3-metaverse, web 3.0 development today is kind of like back in 1990 when the term "information superhighway" was coined; and except for a handful of huge nerds, no one noticed. Incidentally, those huge nerds are filthy rich today, and over the past couple of years they've* been saying, hey, this reminds me of the '90s!
Why is the post pandemic, web 2 vs web 3 development a fitting analogy for the world wide web project in 1990?
It was my job for many years. to explain I.T. communications, apps, data, devices; and privacy to end users.
If you do not mind reading for two-three minutes,
-especially if it it saves you 10-15 wasted on a video that never answered your original questions -
& the at the very least; this web space will point you towards credible sources with minimal hype.
The third iteration of the world wide web, Web 3.0 technologies rely on a backbone of of A.I.s, blockchains, and things!
Many people don’t care how the internet works -what is the new internet? why do we even want/need one?, etc.
Most consumers only care about the apps, data & devices that get us through the day.
Very few humans sit around chatting about the differences between the original dial up internet and web 2.0. or life before social media vs. after; or the iPhone.
Maybe we should care though, some more than others. Because just like Webs 1 and 2 before, Web 3.0 (and Web3,not the same thing), is all about the data. There is too much data to manage in the same old ways! There is also a new global data economy in which we all participate, whether we choose to acknowledge or not,
...and I hear you, blockchain sounds boring. Data science or Economics? Give me a break, The internet of things-IoT? No one knows or cares how that works, you might say. Most consumers only want to know about the newest Apple devices and cool new gadgets, our favorite games and AI enhanced social apps.
Many people don’t care how the internet works -what is the new internet? why do we even want/need one?, etc.
Most consumers only care about the apps, data & devices that get us through the day.
Very few humans sit around chatting about the differences between the original dial up internet and web 2.0. or life before social media vs. after; or the iPhone.
Maybe we should care though, some more than others. Because just like Webs 1 and 2 before, Web 3.0 (and Web3,not the same thing), is all about the data. There is too much data to manage in the same old ways! There is also a new global data economy in which we all participate, whether we choose to acknowledge or not,
...and I hear you, blockchain sounds boring. Data science or Economics? Give me a break, The internet of things-IoT? No one knows or cares how that works, you might say. Most consumers only want to know about the newest Apple devices and cool new gadgets, our favorite games and AI enhanced social apps.
A.I., blockchain, and the internet of things-IoT, the three technologies that make up the backbone of the new internet, have been around for a while.
A global data economy was created thanks to the overwhelming success of Web 2.0 platforms. Web 3.0 is the evolution of that economy, it's hapenning right now. Many believe that the ultimate goal of this new tech is a more predictable and programmable economy.
Web3 Developers are promising end users more control over thier own data, and better privacy options while participating in that economy.
Those three primary technologies mentioned-artificial intelligence, blockchain-crypto and the internet of things make it possible for those with access to the data to create evidence based solutions in almost real time.
take a minute to try, and wrap our heads around how our data is managed
by the new internet. Your data, and mine.
The new internet theme, Accessibility, Automation and Decentralization, will become the digital foundations of an eventual metaverse.
The new internet Web 3.0, is technically three different internets with a shared theme.
Eventually the new internet will just be called Web 3.0 -the third iteration of the world wide web. Why do we need web 3.0?
There are several issues the new internet addresses, one of the biggest is sustainability.
End users generate about 64 Zeta-bytes of new data per year. That is all of us. Everyone, online, 24/7. That is 64 trillion Gigabytes! Every year.
It is very expensive to maintain and protect centralized servers. Web 2.0 servers are responsible for your privacy and all of the data you share through your apps.
A single point of failure is the log in. Central servers can be attacked but these days hackers do not need to attack the server they can easily get access from you. Social enginering for example is the practice of building user profiles around the free infomration you are already sharing about yourself. Even of uyou make your profile priuvate friends of friends can see everyhting they nee dto know about you.
Phishing scams involve individuals pretending to be representatives from your bank, utilities, cloud services accounts. They just ask for your password, or send you an offcial looking email with a link to their spyware.
Content Delivery vs. One Giant Cloud that knows you better than you know yourself.
The original dial up internet was called an "information superhighway" and that is still how many people think of the internet today.
Social media platforms, smart devices and mobile data networks made apps, cloud services and devices a basic human necessity. address privacy and security issues caused by the overwhelming success of Web 2.0
- 2004-2017 unprecedented numbers consumers voluntarily handed over unprecedented amounts of information to private corporations for free.
Web 3.0 could eventually turn the entire internet into one giant database and also
Anyone can open that door and look inside. One will see gibberish; the other will see wonders. The right key is needed to understand what you are looking at and who you can see.
Think of Web3 as just one door. Anyone can open that door and look inside. One will see gibberish; the other will see wonders. The right key is needed to understand what you are looking at and who you can see.
...hopes to provide enough accurate information from credible sources within Web 3.0 & Metaverse spaces, to help you sound confident and feel smart enough to discuss, ask clarifying questions, present and make decisions.
Manage expectations of Web 2 vs Web 3 for small organizations.
provides simple illustrations of web 2 vs web 3 apps, data, and devices that do not require advanced technical knowledge.
We will share the apps, data, and devices of the next internet evolution so that you know enough to make informed decisions about subscriptions, purchases, and support options.
We want to raise privacy and online safety awareness for people who are typically bored by tech jargon, so that it is easy to wrap ones head around and share with others.
Use this web space to help you sound confident and feel smart about
what is essentially a new internet.
As Individuals:
We can and should understand our data now.
Why it is valuable, how to protect our privacy, security,
How to safely share or even sell it, instead of giving it away.
By the time it is all said and done the AI Age & Web 3.0s' impact on human life will dwarf that of original dial up internet and web 2.0 combined!
Where can we get help identifying & managing the different types of our data...
Nebulous Metaverse Web Space is also here to help those who do not necessarily consider themselves to be tech savvy, with free information from credible sources, and with minimal hype.
Before you tap out of this web space...
Please stick around long enough to request free information to help
you better understand your data. Opt-in to receive future access to the best - how to avoid scams, fraud and recognize social engineering links and guide to free support resources.